The TESOL UnConferencevn 2023 is calling upon English language educators, lecturers, researchers, and administrators from universities and other higher educational institutions in the Mekong Delta and Southeast provinces of Vietnam to join us in an exciting endeavor to transform English education. This event, funded by the United States Department of State, seeks to empower key English educators and inspire change through the concept of “unconferencing.”
Why should you participate?
• Stay tuned and stay ahead of the curve in teaching with hands-on practice and classroom activities
• Learn from and connect with other English professionals who share your interests
• Collaborate with institutions dedicated to advancing English education
• Be part of the English community for your professional development
• Gain knowledge and skills to organize your own unconference
• Have fun and rewarding experience
• Receive a certificate of participation or contribution to the event
• Earn 1 of 10 scholarships for an online course worth 400.00 USD sponsored by National Geographic!
• Seize an opportunity to win two follow-up unconferences with $1,000 each
Who can participate?
• Deans/Vice Dean of the English Faculty
• Department Heads/Deputy Heads
• Key lecturers
• Vietnamese and international lecturers
• Experts
• Researchers
• Managers
• Curriculum developers
• Others interested in English education
How to join us?
• Sessions can be in various formats such as discussions, workshops, or short presentations. Each group discusses and shares their specific challenges, brainstorming possible solutions, and sharing real-world practices.
Form to register for the event
For other inquires, please see Help desk at http://tesolunconferencevn.info/help-desk
For inquiries and registration details, please contact us
Email: admin@tesolunconferencevn.info
Phone: 0366971187 (Mr. Vinh Tran)
We look forward to your participation and contribution to this educational revolution. Thank you!